Working to Understand RED in our life
Red: In it's complimentary aspects red is associated with
creativity, ambition, regulation and drive. Its pessimistic tendencies
are a impassioned temper, intolerance, physical passions, cruelty, and
destructiveness. Red is creative activity or its different.
The stub chakra is answerable for the corporeal will-to-be. It is
through this crux that miasms and toxins are habitually eliminated from
the etheric organic structure. Malfunctioning of this chakra can formulate enthusiasm imbalances and etheric spinal problems, difficulties in the kidneys and a demand of the will to carry on conscious. Green, indigo, and chromatic motivate the basic chakra red, orange, yellow, and dark-blue solace it.
Latest sources:
Color Therapy
At the foundation of colour medical care is a thoughtful hypothesis of the
universe. Dr. Bhattacharya has summarized the thought thoroughly evidently in
his book, "Teletherapy."
The circumpolar and invisible natural object colours have make everything
tangible by unconscious process. Tangible property are goose egg but
condensed natural object rays. Even the 7 Planets are the condensed method of the natural object flag according to a broadcast specified in the Kurma Purana.
The natural object of the Universe is made up of the cosmic flag of
limitless variety, and among them the 7 vibgyor this is a momentary sort to the colours violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and are the of import.
The Kurma Purana thinks and mayhap justifiedly that cosmos is god and god is the world. These panoptical and invisible colours are
responsible for all happenings in the world, for the keeping of
the macrocosm and for abidance it indefinitely new, active, and active.
They come together the vague article of the Universe of the Lord. Disease
means devitalization and the consequential desire for food for natural object forces
for their restoration. Diseases can be cured by provision the
necessary natural object forces in the constitute of rays, which are wanting in the
human rules.
* Science recognizes that every chemic part has its
characteristic color, which is emitted when the thing undergoes
combustion, or annihilation. The colors emitted when an feature is
heated are best-known as Fraunhofer lines and the technique utilized to
identify the chemical step arrangement of a entity.
* An ancient Hindu holy writ.
When viewed clairvoyantly, the chakras and the better bodies
appear to be composed in the main of get-up-and-go expressing itself as
On the etheric plane, the joie de vivre of light-colored fluffy becomes
differentiated; the chakras acquire and convey life as color and
this color becomes the stratum of the meat at the physical
level, and of the emotions and assessment at the psychical and astral
The glasses of color, which overriding in the chakras and in the
subtle bodies, are an manifestation of an individual's authorities of health,
his character, electric temperament and his situation of noetic and
spiritual evolvement.
A man's symptom consists of vii defined envelopes of bicoloured light
encircling an respective like an egg-shaped. It represents the total
makeup of the individual, his forces, and feelings, physical,
etheric, astral, mental, and supernatural.
Color is one of the remedial energies that a undulation healer
may prime to send to a shopper. The selection will be through through
the use of the pendulum, a bit than by consequent warning in
books. Nevertheless, the books may cut the case taken to decide upon a apt color by providing the hatchet job of the flag ordinarily nearly new for ad hoc ailments.
Color Healing compatible beside the mere gusto bodies.
Red: is the color of energy, vitality, and might. It is used for
drying up dolorous sores or wounds, etc. It will hot ice-cold areas to
reduce affliction. Red is a powerful therapeutic causal agent for therapeutic diseases of
the body fluid and circulation. It will backing with collapse. Red is not
to be used on individuals near postgraduate liquid body substance hassle or anxiety. If you
stay nether the red ray too extended or are open to red for a
considerable example it will cause you terribly agitated or even self-asserting.
Red is the colour of the substructure verve central best-known as the stub chakra.
Red outfit is extremely sanative and you can wear pajamas, undershirts, etc.
Red sustenance consists of drinking things like watermelon, red grapes,
tomatoes, red plums, strawberries, radishes, red cabbage, beets the
roots and tops, cherries, red currents.
In addition, Red polar hose down is precise effectual as cured.
This is other topic for talk.
As you can see red is deeply powerful in strength and uplifting.
Janet Prince is a Spiritual & Creative Life Path Coach,
working near relations for ended 30 age and
Assisting in Developing, their Vision, Inspiration, Authentic Self
Alternative/Natural Health Consultant/Instructor
...Writer, Poet, Artist,
"Desire, Ask, Believe, Receive.-- Stella Terrill Mann
It is all nearby is we only but comprehend...